How can we harness the power of arts and culture to accelerate economic transformation? In what ways can worldbuilding principles be employed to craft compelling climate narratives that address global challenges and inspire societal change? Which narratives should we prioritize and tell to effectively shape the future?
We began our quest in 2022 to investigate why museums and cultural institutions, which hold the highest levels of trust in society—a significant asset in an era of misinformation and late-stage capitalism—haven't fully utilized their influence to instigate cultural and societal change.
Core problem: As we delved deeper, we quickly realized the myriad issues confronting the custodians of our cultural history, from economic challenges to environmental concerns. In response, we identified a couple of critical pressure points that our startup, which is a Worldbuilding platform, aims to address in a proactive, solution-focused manner, not just for the museum world, but for artists and society at large.
Funding problem: In today's economy, Culture and Art funding is declining amid growing socio - political uncertainty. Traditional models like donations and commissions are inadequate for sustainable arts funding and cultural production in the 21st Century.